218th UX Vienna Evening Meetup
Meetup Details
Please register at meetup.com/UXvienna – the URL for the online conference is available there.
We will continue with our regular format – we will start at 7pm on time with the talks.
Sessions for this meetup
The New Breakpoints. Thomas Michael Semmler | UI Engineer & Product Designer
For the longest time, we understood breakpoints as the moment in which our layout styles would no longer sufficiently work, given the dimensional contexts and a media query would intervene the specific point, at which it would "break". Nowadays, with modern CSS making intervention via media query more and more obsolete, our understanding of breaking points are changing as well. As we design more inclusively, we become more sensitive to the context in which our styles break: keyboard interaction, coarse pointers, motion and contrast preferences and diversity in reading directions. Layout is a fading concern, so we have to familiarise ourselves with the new breakpoints, now that we have the ability to address them.This talk is about our understanding of breakpoints, how we can use modern CSS to rid our code or more and more media queries addressing layout and what the other breaking points of our styles are becoming and how we can address them.UX Vienna Evening Meetups are on the 2nd tuesday of every month — 12 times a year.
Collaboratively we document each UX Vienna Evening Meetup at https://UXvienna.at/ongoing/ - Check out to see what kept us busy and what you might have missed so far.
UX Vienna announcements are available at https://meetup.com/UXvienna. In addition you can follow us on https://UXvienna.at and https://twitter.com/UXvienna.
We are looking forward to seeing you!