2nd IxDF Chennai Meetup

Hosted by IxDF Chennai
Jul 27th, 2019
9:00am - 12:30pm (UTC +05:30)
Lecture Hall CS25, First floor, Department of CSE, IIT Madras, Chennai – 600036​, IIT Madras, Chennai – 600036, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
4 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
What are Local Groups?
Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

Hi UX designers in Chennai! Let's meet to share our thoughts and experiences in designing great UX, and network with one another.



Ms. Ramya Vasan on Academic UX

Ramya is a Computer Science Engineering graduate, a staunch UX designer who never hesitates to take that extra step ahead for satisfactory completion. A perpetual explorer of multifarious dimension in designing, she constantly stands by the point that UX designing is more than a profession and it should be evolved eternally. She is a UX mentor believing in absolute empirical knowledge.

As an initiative to indulge designing to every layman, she started a community for designers with a vision to inculcate designing right from schooling. Avid social worker who realizes that preserving Nature and Environment are the fundamental duties of every human being. She leads a technical team of 10 members in an Environmental NGO named Visai which is working to eradicate ignorance.

Date and Time
27th July 2019, from 9.00 AM to 12.30 PM

09.00 AM - 09.30 AM ----- Registration
09.30 AM - 11.00 AM ----- Session 1
11.00 AM - 11.15 AM ----- Tea Break
11.15 AM - 12.30 PM ----- Session 2

Registration is closed for this event.

Lecture Hall CS25,
First floor, Department of CSE,
IIT Madras, Chennai – 600036

Location map: https://goo.gl/maps/xnVpcox3tz88BCjg9

Hoping to see you all at the venue.

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss 2nd IDF Chennai Meetup held on Jul 27, 2019. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Great 👍

Hello, @shivan Kannan, I am Prashant. I'm a novice UI designer, can I attend the meetup or is it for experienced designers?

any one can attend !


Please remember to register. Link available in the meetup page. Thanks.


Great , Sounds good

I am an entrepreneur with ideas in tech and consumer markets. Looking for mentors, team members, advisors and investors.

If person is not an IxDF member than he can join to meetup.... ?

Yes. It is open to all. But registration is mandatory for everyone as there are limited seats. Thanks.

Really looking forward... :-) Please guide me about 4 wheeler parking facilities inside the campus. Thanks

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Local Leaders of IxDF Chennai

Meetup attendees

Members can show their interest to attend a meetup by clicking “Attend this meetup” button. In addition, since Local Groups events are open to all, non-members can also attend these meetups.

Members might be bringing their non-member friends to a Local Group meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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