3rd IxDF Chennai Meetup

Hosted by IxDF Chennai
Aug 24th, 2019
9:00am - 12:30pm (UTC +05:30)
IIT Chennai campus - CSE Department, Indian Institute Of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600036, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
7 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
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Meetup Details

Hi UX designers in Chennai! Let's meet to share our thoughts and experiences in designing great UX, and network with one another.


Ms. Kavitha Kalyan on Best Practices in User Experience Design

She started her 20+ year long career with advertising, working with Advertising agencies in a very creative, non-digital environment. Graphic design was the core skill set and design flourishing specially in the space of Typography. Design for print was a well-defined career path till the focus shifted towards the internet. The journey to blend design with technology and subsequently describe it as an experience has been a long and enriching journey since.

The landscape of design appeared limiting as it required an understanding of technologies to find a common ground between aesthetics and logic. Online portals like Bharatmatrimony.com, Indiaproperty.com, Sulekha.com and Photon Infotech became the seat of learning to understand User Experience better across various Domains - Real Estate, Social Media, Retail, and Classifieds to name a few. The quest to understand design in combination with interaction to make it integral to any deliverable has been the prime focus of her work in the world of Digital. It needed a deep understanding of technology and user experience methodologies to explore how the rules could be stretched or pushed to include Design while keeping an eye on ROI.

In a parallel universe Kavitha Kalyan has also been exploring Ancient Indian iconography in art and architecture in great depth. It has also been an integral part of her learning curve, as she published a lot of her findings and interpretations on her personal blog - http://Indiatemple.blogspot.in. She has come a long way since, with 14+ years of blogging and having penned down her first fiction novel Vamsa - Quest for the Divine Calling as a self-published author.

She currently works with TCS, heading their Experience Design Studio at TCS Interactive Chennai, Siruseri. In her personal space, she is currently penning down her second book. At her core, she is a story teller, be it in Experience Design in the Digital Space or be it in ancient concepts in the Art and Architecture of India, she always has a story to share.

User Experience - The Core of Being Human

We have over a period of time in recent years warmed up to the term User Experience, as it is the need of the hour in the Digital landscape. In today’s world, it has evolved into a far more all-encompassing term - Experience Design, as we cater to a wider range of audience across the landscape of Digital. Our audience is connected, aware and information is easy to access and their point of view matters.

But is User Experience a new age concept alone, relevant in these times or was its presence felt centuries back in time. It is important to understand that though this term has been coined in recent years, its principles and the over-arching ideology has been coming down the ages with almost exactly the same methodologies and principles. “People” have been the centre of this space and it has always been a need to engage with them across various platforms, sciences, etc. hence it is not limited to Digital as we see it.

The term “Best Practices” is quite taken for granted. If we ask any user experience designer today about what it means, we would get a very “digital” answer on methodology, application and its related concepts. But at its core, “Best Practices” are that set of rules which have been imbibed by people into their lifestyle so much so that it is second nature. Anything that needs to be built into their world and has to have value, needs their context to even get started. If the context isn’t there, the potential definition of “Best Practice” misses the point and the venture is likely to fail.

I would like to dive into this concept integral to human psychology by using a very non-digital example to express the depth of User Experience and the related Best Practices that add up to make the final experience completely worthwhile. The idea is to understand the underlying meaning of this concept, to realise that it is integral to our environment and that is why it brings the much-needed value to our lives.

Ms. Kavitha Kalyan - Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kavithakalyan/

Date and Time
24th August 2019, from 9.00 AM to 12.30 PM

09.00 AM - 09.30 AM ----- Registration
09.30 AM - 11.00 AM ----- Session 1
11.00 AM - 11.15 AM ----- Tea Break
11.15 AM - 12.30 PM ----- Session 2

Show and share your interest in the meetup by clicking on the 'I'm attending' button,
but registration is MANDATORY as there are limited seats.
Registration is CLOSED

Lecture Hall CS25,
First floor, Department of CSE,
IIT Madras, Chennai – 600036

Location map: https://goo.gl/maps/xnVpcox3tz88BCjg9

Hoping to see you all at the venue.

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss 3rd IxDF Chennai Meetup held on Aug 24, 2019. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

May I know the agenda of the meeting?

09.00 AM - 09.30 AM ----- Registration
09.30 AM - 11.00 AM ----- Session 1
11.00 AM - 11.15 AM ----- Tea Break
11.15 AM - 12.30 PM ----- Session 2

Can I bring non IxDF member to join this meetup?

Hi Shivan Kannan, I would like to attend this meet up, and the registration was closed. is it possible to attend without registration? Please guide me. Thanks!

Hi Shivan,

I am not sure if clicking on "I am attending button" is good enough for registration. Or do I need to come there and register as per the agenda you have put it up. It says registration closed. Can you please clarify. Would love to attend this meetup

great event learned lot. Thanks for this opportunity IxDF. Thankyou@shivan.

I am sorry to say this, I feel more better understand with visual stories presentations because I am basically 60% hearing impaired one. Last season I enjoyed 40% the concept of User Experience - The core of Human Being and I special thanks to Ms.Kavitha Kalyan ma'am and Mr. Shivan Kannan Sir.

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Local Leaders of IxDF Chennai

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Members might be bringing their non-member friends to a Local Group meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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