Game ON: Design Thinking in Action
Meetup Details
Join us on October 15th for exciting collaboration with Northeastern University!
There will be a short lecture and then a hands-on workshop experience to learn more about how principles of information and interaction design can be used to create more intuitive and engaging games.
Introductions and presentations (60 mins)
Main workshop (90 mins)
Pizza and networking (30+ mins)
About the speakers/facilitators
Joli Holmes
Joli is an Information and Data Visualization designer, developer, and part-time lecturer at Northeastern University. In today’s talk, she’ll dive into how game designers can use principles from information design to create a more intuitive, accessible, and engaging game experience.
Heiko Polinski and Kateryna Zabrodska
Heiko is a UX Designer from Germany with a background in Marketing and Event Management, while Kateryna is a Product Designer from Ukraine with professional experience in the USA. Together, they lead the Vancouver Chapter of the Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF) and organize events for design thinkers across various fields. Today, they will introduce the IxDF and guide you through the ideation process to kick off our workshop.