How does culture influence design?
Meetup Details
How does culture influence design?
#Design For All.
About this event:
“Solved By Design" team in collaboration with “Interaction Design Foundation – Kolkata” & “World Usability Day” is glad to announce design discussion on, “DESIGN TALK”.
“DESIGN TALK” is the open platform where designers can discuss the various aspects of design and its related topic from the industry of design and the relevant domain.
We welcome you to be a part of our initiative, share your story, thoughts, and learn from each other.
Let’s collaborate, share, and learn together.
We’re happy to announce the Design Talk on “How does culture influence design?”
Let's discuss how culture influence design and it impacts the users.
Topic: How does culture influence design?
Date: December 4, 2021 | Saturday | Time: 11:00 PM – 12 PM (IST)
Thank you!
IxDF Kolkata leads