IxDF Bengaluru Design & Developer Meetup
Hosted by IxDF Bengaluru
Jan 23rd, 2021
5:00pm - 6:00pm
(UTC +05:30)
Online, https://meet.google.com/rjx-vipx-gbi, Bengaluru, Karnataka
30 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details
Hi IxDF Bengaluru,
Let's meet online and discuss UX! In our video call, let's get to know each other and share UX problems we’re facing and discuss how we can solve them.
We will have frontend developers also join the session. So, it should be a good learning experience.
If we have enough participants interested, we can discuss about UX maturity in your organization, designer to developer ratio and how do you showcase value of UX in organization who is just adopting.
This event is hosted on Google Meet.