IxDF Frankfurt Meetup 2018

Hosted by IxDF Frankfurt
Dec 14th, 2018
5:00pm - 7:00pm (UTC +01:00)
Main entrance DVAG (Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG), Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 24, Frankfurt
4 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
What are Local Groups?
Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

Hi IxDF Frankfurt, let's meet up and network over coffee!
Vote for the event date! https://doodle.com/poll/mcgumz3psbd72t6t

Also please provide some suggestions to where we should meet, depending on the number of people attending we might have to change that place in the process, but any help is appreciated! :)

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss IxDF Frankfurt Meetup 2018 held on Dec 14, 2018. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

YES ! Finally :D

Hi all .. looking forward to meet you all Guys!

Hallo zusammen, ich denke mal, wir können deutsch schreiben?;) Sehe ich das richtig, dass wir noch eine Location brauchen? Vielleicht könnte ich da im Bahnhofsviertel etwas anbieten. Viele Grüße


was schwebt Dir denn vor?

Ich kläre es gerade ab. Vielleicht können wir Räumlichkeiten in meiner Firma nutzen.

Hi, looking forward to meeting you all. I do have some challenges that I would like to bring to the table, one of them is Registration Form for consumer promotions which involve product purchase. what is your experience in this area? I have some more topics but one at a time. So glad and happy to meet you all.

Great idea Stefania! If we're bringing our own challenges, I'll probably take mine "app design" which I'm making on Engineering Work on my studies ;)

I am happy to see you guys participate! Please keep in mind that the date in this meetup might change, over the course of voting for a date.

Speaking of changes, I think it's best to keep things in English, not sure if everyone speaks German ;)

Concerning the location, I already have some good places in Frankfurt in mind, but that depends heavily on the number of participants.

PLEASE VOTE FOR THE DATE! https://doodle.com/poll/mcgumz3psbd72t6t

Greetings to you all!

Also, wir könnten uns in einem der Kreativräume der DVAG in der Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße treffen. Der ist bis 12 Personen gut geeignet. Kaffee und Wasser wären vorhanden

Moin moin!

Super, dass Du dich darum gekümmert hast, vielen Dank :) Ich setze die Adresse dann in die Meetup Info, wenns recht ist. Kommen irgendwelche Kosten dabei auf?

Hausnummer ist die 24. Wir treffen uns um 17 Uhr vor dem Haupteingang. Kosten kommen keine auf. Wer mag kann aber was zu knabbern mitbringen oder wir bestellen Pizza. :

Quick update for the date:

Since of 14 attendees 6 participated in the doodle and the only date that fits everyone is December 14th, the date in the meetup won't be changed.

Meetup Info updated with location :)

Hello guys and gals,

I'm glad so many people want to participate in our meetup.
Since we grew a little, I need to know who will be attending for sure, if we exceed 12 people I have to change plans for the location. I already have another location where more than 12 people can fit nicely.

So please answer and tell us:
1) Will you be attending the meetup on december 14th 17:00 o'clock in Frankfurt?
2) Do you speak German?

If less then 12 people answer, we will stay with the current location. Meaning that if more than the initial 12 participants show up, we'll either have to staple some of you to the ceiling or something else. ;)

Hallo zusammen, von mir aus steht der Termin weiterhin. Ich brauche allerdings bis zum 11.12. eine Teilnehmerliste, damit alle einen Ausweis fürs Haus bekommen. Ich würde die Namen oben nehmen. Allerdings bedeutet dies, dass niemand dann mehr spontan teilnehmen kann, oder wenn er hier nicht angemeldet ist.

Hi everyone! I am pretty new in the UX or human-centred-design field and have almost no experience in it. I've just started learning it here at IDF since September. (Is newbie welcomed to this meetup?) Really want to meet people with the same interest and get to know about this industry more. Thanks so much to organize this meetup!

To the questions above:
1) I'll be attending the meetup; 2) I do speak German, not perfect, haha

Hi, I am sorry I am only seeing this message 2 hours before the meeting. So this means that if we did not RECONFIRM our attendance to this threa, we will not be able to get into the meeting, is that right?

1). I will be at the meet up.
2). I speak just a little yet. ;)

Hey everyone,

hopefully I am not too late, but

1.) I will be attending the meeting

2.) I speak German.

Very looking forward meeting you all!

Elena Kusowenko


first of all, thank you for the organization.

  1. I’d like to join the meetup.
  2. Yes, I speak German

Looking forward to seeing you all, too.



abschließende Info, diesmal auf Deutsch.

Aktuell sind in diesem Meetup 23 Mitglieder angemeldet.
In der doodle Umfrage sind 12 Zusagen für Freitag, hier im Forum gemeldet haben sich nochmal weniger.
Unsere Räumlichkeit ist über 20 Leuten kritisch, die Erfahrung hat allerdings gezeigt, dass nicht alle erscheinen.
Deshalb hoffe ich einfach mal, dass wir nicht mehr als 20 werden.

Die Adresse ist im Meetup angegeben. Wir sammeln uns alle am Empfang und gehen dann gemeinsam in den Raum. :)

Ich betrachte dieses Meetup als Kick-Off für folgende regelmäßige Veranstaltungen.

- Kennenlernen
- Vorschläge für folgende Treffen sammeln
- Nächstes Treffen planen

WICHTIG: Es können nur Personen ins Gebäude, die hier angemeldet sind. Ab Mittwoch ist Anmeldungsschluss!

Hi, I am sorry I am only seeing this message 2 hours before the meeting. So this means that if we did not RECONFIRM our attendance to this threa, we will not be able to get into the meeting, is that right?

Vielen lieben Dank für die Orga!

Bis Freitag =)

Hannah, du hast in deinem Profil keinen Nachnamen angegeben, den brauchen wir für die Ausweise in unseren Räumlichkeiten. Bitte melde dich zeitnah!

schade das ich keine Zeit habe. Euch viel Spass und wir sehen uns bei einem der nächsten Treffen!

Oh, da habe ich mich wohl zu spät entschieden, teilzunehmen. Ich habe erst jetzt gelesen, dass Mittwoch Anmeldeschluss war. Dann beim nächsten Treffen.

Everybody who clicked join meetup before Wednesday is on the list ;)

You are Stefania

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Local Leaders of IxDF Frankfurt

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Members can show their interest to attend a meetup by clicking “Attend this meetup” button. In addition, since Local Groups events are open to all, non-members can also attend these meetups.

Members might be bringing their non-member friends to a Local Group meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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