IxDF Kolkata update and launching DIGIFOLIO!
Meetup Details
“Interaction Design Foundation – Kolkata” and “Design Kolkata” is glad to launch it's very own section for all the book lovers, “DIGIFOLIO”.
We welcome you to be a part of our initiative and discussion, share your story and learn from each other.
Let’s collaborate, share and learn together.
Session Agenda:
1. IxDF - Kolkata Updates
IxDF - Kolkata Updates along with DIGIFOLIO Launch
Date: May 9, 2020. | Saturday | Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00PM (IST)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 933 8161 1933
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Meeting ID: 933 8161 1933
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Thank you!
KAILASH | BISWAJIT | ROMI (IxDF Kolkata Local Leaders)