IxDF Yangon Hangout
Hosted by IxDF Yangon
Oct 4th, 2020
4:00pm - 5:00pm
(UTC +06:30)
Online, https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79527590058?pwd=RUdueFdtd3BQKzU5U1dGYlBrdm5ZQT09, Yangon
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Meetup Details
Hi IxDF Yangon, join us on Sunday!
What are we doing?
There is no agenda for this except to
1) introduce ourselves and get to know each other
2) discuss what courses we're taking
3) discuss what we'd like to do with this new community group.
So grab your laptop (or phone!), make yourself a cup of coffee, and in the spirit of social distancing let’s meet on Zoom :)
Here's how to join -
Topic: IxDF Yangon Hangout
Time: Oct 4, 2020 04:00 PM Rangoon
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 795 2759 0058
Passcode: aL2h5h
See you there!