IxDF Dublin Meeting : Way to go!
Meetup Details
Venue: Clement and Pekoe / 50 Southwilliam Street
Time: 8am - 9am
Last month we introduced ourselves to the design principles of Don Norman and learned how to use them as a way of critiquing other people’s concepts.
For our next meeting, we shall be doing things in reverse: using design principles to generate new concepts. This time however we will be using Google's Material Design.
A small amount of preparation is needed for this meeting:
Design a new way finding app for Dublin. The app needs to be able to:
1. Provide the current location of the user.
2. Enable the user to search for a new location.
3. Plan a route that can be used by either car / foot / public transport.
4. Display the user’s progress.
5. Let the user know when they’ve arrived at their destination.
Some constraints
1. Your app must utilise the design principles of Google’s Material Design.
2. Your app will feature no more than 3 screens.
3. You will have only have 3 minutes to present your concept.
4. You can use what ever you like to visualise and present your idea.
5. Make it fun for yourself!