Let's talk design & try Bavarian specialties!

Hosted by IxDF Munich
Jun 8th, 2022
7:00pm - 9:30pm (UTC +01:00)
Wirtshaus Zur Brez'n, Leopoldstraße 72, Munich
5 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
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What are Local Groups?
Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

We meet every 2nd Wednesday evening of the month at 7:00 p.m.

Our June 8th meeting will be held at the Wirtshaus Zur Brez’n, Leopoldstr. 72 in 80802 Munich.

Meetup Conversation

Hi all - let's talk design & try Bavarian specialties at our next meeting. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

I’m looking forward to the evening. Some of our regulars will be on vacation, but we look forward to welcoming new visitors who may even become regulars :-)

And by the way, please RSVP by June 2/3 so that I can reserve a table somewhere that’s hopefully not too loud! We all know that Bavarians can get kind of rowdy ;-) —

All best, Beth

Hi there! Count me in :) I’m new to the group and looking forward to meet you all! Is there a specific agenda for the meeting?

Hi Maria, Super! We look forward to meeting you too. As we are a relatively young group, we are still at the stage of meeting & greeting and getting to know each other. We still have great discussions about our jobs, careers, and the things we like doing. Another great thing about our group is that we are a total mish-mash of nationalities, which makes things even more fun and varied.

A number of people have been here from the start (last October), but as with all groups, not everyone can make it on a given night. So let’s see who can come and who you will get to meet.

Best wishes and till June 8th,


Hi Beth! Just wanted to let you know that I won’t be able to attend today :`( I came down with the flu and think it’s best to stay inside.

Anyway, thanks for organizing this meeting! Hope you all have a good time and next time I can meet you!

Best wishes,


I’ve reached some new members via LinkedIn - they’ll be coming next Wednesday for the first time. If you haven’t RSVP’d, please do so by tomorrow so I can reserve a table!

(But if you want to drop in spontaneously, we can always make room!)

Best wishes, Beth

Hello Elizabeth, thank you for organizing the event! I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the crew that will be joining us for the meetup.

Great, Tim! Somehow I think I missed you (was recovering from the flu – no worries, no more germs 😊) but there’s always room for more people at the table. Looking forward – Beth

As I’ve mentioned, I was a bit groggy from the flu a couple of weeks ago when I was organizing this: so much so that I could not figure out why the title kept rendering as “…talk design & try Bavarian…”

HTML anyone? Oh well… guess no one’s perfect!

Till tomorrow – Beth

That’s horrible, Maria - I just recovered from it (I’ve now been up and around for not quite a week) but I still feel like my brain is full of mush. Get better soon and hope to see you on July 13!

(Sleep a lot - it’s about the only thing you can do…) - Best, Beth

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Local Leaders of IxDF Munich

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Members might be bringing their non-member friends to a Local Group meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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