NUX Leeds – Desperately Seeking… Something
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Desperately Seeking… Something
with Barry Briggs
Think about the utility of your favourite apps and websites, and of all ways they enable you to FIND, CREATE and MANAGE stuff. Whether it’s a seemingly trivial activity like taking notes or managing a TO-DO list, or something more obviously complex like doing your weekly grocery shop online, the digital services we use regularly are rich with features and functionality, and evolve to include new features regularly.
But as a designer, how do you know which features and functionality you should add to your product?
This talk will look at how we as humans FIND information. Using Donna Spencer’s “4 modes of Information Seeking” as a springboard it will demonstrate how features and functionality can be designed to support specific information seeking modes, and look at how users move between modes during a longer journey, how they might transition between different behaviours during a single activity, and what we as designers can do to support this.