Oulu IxDF Meetup
Hosted by IxDF Oulu
Apr 4th, 2019
12:00am - 12:00am
(UTC +02:00)
Oulu Keskusta - Not decided yet, Oulu
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Meetup Details
Hi IxDF Oulu, I'm Emily, a newbie in UX field. I saw that we have a tiny cozy group here, so how about meet up and share your stories over coffee? Or we could chat about anything else. It's going to be an informal, cozy meetup to expand our idea and group.
I'm thinking about a cozy coffee shop or a beer in Mallaskellari near Valkea. Do you have any specific time in favour? Maybe some after work day? I'm good with Thursday and Friday next month (April).
Wish you all have a pleasant week ahead and see you soon.