Portfolio chats - Session1

Hosted by IxDF Brighton
Nov 25th, 2020
6:00pm - 7:00pm (UTC +00:00)
Online, https://meet.google.com/jxw-diyr-ogz, Brighton
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Meetup Details

Hi IxDF Brighton...

Based on suggestions from the last session, I'm starting a series of chats about Portfolios.

Most of us have one way or another looked into Portfolios. Either as a fresh-faced UXer who is looking for that first gig or someone who has been in the industry for a while and it's time to maybe rethink your personal brand? :)

The idea behind these sessions is to share our knowledge and experience or simply ideas that we saw on internet regards the portfolios. Share our own Portfolios for healthy CRIT sessions.

The two letters UX contain so much more then just design which also can be seen with different styles of portfolios out there. :)

First Session :
IxDF has a course on "How to create a UX Portfolio" which is just under 13h long and available now.

Let's do the course together and within this Session discuss what we learned and also bring some examples of portfolios that you have seen around - online or your friends shared with you etc.

See you at our chat on Portfolios.


Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Portfolio chats - Session1 held on Nov 25, 2020. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Some links for some UX portfolio examples or suggestions

UX Researcher portfolio: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ux-researcher-por...

10 inspiring portfolios: https://medium.com/@vanschneider/10-inspiring-ux-p...

Do portfolios matter when you are higher up the career ladder?

Please do share any links as well before the session :)

Here's the portfolio of a Service Designer contact of mine, Holly May Mahoney https://hollymaymahoney.co.uk/

And here's the portfolio of a colleague of mine - Uygar Kilic - https://www.dropbox.com/s/pgcget605pc3nul/Sudler%2...

Thank you Sarah for the examples :)

My friend's portfolio of Technical UX and UX Designer:

Another good friend's portfolio on more senior level (Product Designer) recently gone from full-time roles into contracting/freelance:

And here is my ex colleagues portfolio who started as UX Designer and changed in the same company into Product Designer and now is Senior Product Designer (hopefully link works):

Thank you all for joining the Portfolio discussion yesterday. It was great to look at some of these portfolios and have a discussion of what works / stands out and what might be improved.

Portfolios are never fully done and always improving. :)

Aiming to have our 2nd Portfolio chat on March 2021.

The book that I mentioned at the end is called "Ends" by Joe Macleod

As Sarah mentioned could be a nice topic for our meetup - As consumers and providers we overlook the importance of healthy, coherent endings.

have a lovely the rest of the week,


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