Subtract - Product Design Hosted by Theo Tsongidis and Nikos Pappas
Meetup Details
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Τι περιέχει η ατζέντα αυτού του meetup; Ομιλίες από τις top designers Κορίνα Λουμίδη ( & Αθανασία Λυκούδη (, Q&A session, swag από Beat, Sketch & Framer, κλήρωση licenses για Sketch & FramerΧ, και τις καθιερωμένες πίτσες & μπυρες για το after meetup networking.
RSVP εδώ για να μπείτε στην κλήρωση των licenses.
18:30 - Άφιξη παρευρισκομένων
19:00 - Κορίνα Λουμίδη: The Secret Recipe for Good Design
19:30 - Αθανασία Λυκούδη: Design systems and team collaboration in Framer X
20:00 - Q&A Session
20:20 - Κλήρωση Sketch & FramerX licenses
20:30 - Φαγητό & μπύρες & networking
Beat (
Sketch (
Framer (
— "Boolean operation that removes one shape from another”
(Meetup previously known as Sketch&Design)
The time has come to grow and evolve this community by including talks and case studies from the broader craft of Digital Product Design.
Join our Slack community:
This meetup's agenda is compiled of: Talks from top designers Korina Loumidi ( & Athanasia Lykoudi (, Q&A Session, swag from Beat, Sketch & Framer, licenses raffle for Sketch & FramerX, as well as the mandatory pizzas & beers for the after meetup networking.
RSVP here to join the licenses raffle.
18:30 - Arrival of attendees
19:00 - Korina Loumidi ( The Secret Recipe for Good Design
19:30 - Athanasia Lykoudi ( Design systems and team collaboration in Framer X
20:00 - Q&A Session
20:20 - Sketch & FramerX licenses raffle
20:30 - Food & Beer & Networking
Sponsored by:
Beat (
Sketch (
Framer (