Taller de Sketch App

Hosted by IxDF Barcelona
Apr 11th, 2019
7:00pm - 9:00pm (UTC +01:00)
Barcelona Code School, Carrer de Muntaner, 262, Barcelona
6 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
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A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details


Hola UXers,

Para el mes que viene os traemos este magnífico Taller de Sketch App, impartido por Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Behning exclusivo para miembros de Interaction Design Foundation. Tendrá lugar el próximo Jueves 11 de Abril de 7 pm a 9 pm en el Barcelona Code School. Niveles de básico a más avanzado.

Para este taller es necesario que traigas un MacBook y Sketch App instalado (hay trial).

Sortearemos dos licencias de Sketch App y habrá pegatinas, lápices y mucho más! Apúntate rápido! Solo hay 16 plazas.

¿Qué nivel tiene el taller?

Aquellos que no saben nada de Sketch, van recibir bastante información en los primeros 15 o 20 minutos, pero ya ganaran velocidad. Y Aquellos que saben más de Sketch, aprovecharán más adelante, principalmente con relación a los símbolos y librerías compartidas de símbolos.

También hablaremos de Atomic Design, compartir designs/assets con Zeplin, controlar versiones con Abstract y finalizaremos creando un diagrama interactivo de flujo de usuario con el Overflow.

Quien tiene un nivel mayor irá a hacer cosas más avanzadas y quién tiene un nivel menor, pues va tener un buen inicio en el Sketch App y los programas que le completan.

Muchas gracias a Carlos Alberto por facilitarnos este magnífico evento. Gracias a Barcelona Code School por ser anfitriones y cedernos el espacio.

Tendrán plaza los 16 primeros en apuntarse.

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Taller de Sketch App held on Apr 11, 2019. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hi, I’m attending! We are 18 (it says members and non members) but meeting it’s only for 16 participants. To go there I would need to know if I have been really accepted. How I coul know it?

We'll find out if everyone is finally going to be able to come during the days before the event. However I think we would still be able to sneak you in. The limit is really because it's hard for the instructor to help so many people at a time. We'll see.

I'm going to Paris for work, won't be able to be there :(

Thanks for letting us know! See you next time!

Hi! Do you have any free spots for a colleague from my work? Thanks!

Unfortunately I can't attend this meetup today. Sorry for my late response!

Hi all! I am sick and will not be able to attend, a real pity...

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Local Leaders of IxDF Barcelona

Meetup attendees

Members can show their interest to attend a meetup by clicking “Attend this meetup” button. In addition, since Local Groups events are open to all, non-members can also attend these meetups.

Members might be bringing their non-member friends to a Local Group meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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