Understanding Power & Privilege in Design

Hosted by IxDF Johannesburg
May 4th, 2021
6:00pm - 8:00pm (UTC +02:00)
Online, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6472073466?pwd=MHlmWGJmamo3aUhGTDZOWm85eDdLUT09, Johannesburg
12 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details

When it comes to social design, we often hear debates over terms, categories, and taxonomies: Should we call it design for social change? What about design for social innovation, or social impact design?

Let’s step over this sematic discussion and look at our work, our roles, our way of working. Conventional design has principles for what good is, from luminaries like Dieter Rams, but when the design work serves non-profit organisations instead of business organisations, we need a new way to evaluating what good is. Form and function isn’t going to cut it when you’re working with issues like recidivism, systemic racism or the social determinants of health. Whether you’re a change-maker inside of a non-profit or a for-profit organization, designing change is hard to do, especially when change involves people and their behaviours. George Aye will share three principles necessary for designing social change and why the design discipline is fundamentally built to do the opposite.

George co-founded Greater Good Studio to use design to heal, to be just, to be restorative, Previously, he spent seven years at global innovation firm IDEO before being hired as the first human-centered designer at the Chicago Transit Authority. Since founding Greater Good he guides clients and teams through complex projects that honor reality, creates ownership and builds power. He speaks frequently across the US and internationally. George holds the position of Full Professor (Adj) at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and visiting lecturer at Northwestern University.



18:00- Members arrive
18:05- Welcome & Introductions
18:10- George presentation (30min)
18:40- Q&A session
18:50 - 5min break
18:55- George introduces workshop
20:00- end

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Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Understanding Power & Privilege in Design held on May 4, 2021. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hi everyone…

Hi Bethel! Glad you’ve joined!

Hey guys! Excited for this talk :)

Agreed Mary! I’ve been waiting ages for this too! We’re moving thinking from user centered in a digital space, to human centered in existing reality ;)

Hi Chesway, will this be recorded? I will likely only be able to attend the intro presentation, but would love to watch the recording and learn post the event if possible? I’m forwarding to a few of my team to see who can else can make it :)

Yes definitely Rafael! We always record. When it’s ready, you’ll find it in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGTCsrcY5RjhS3GtGGUHmMqofxkp3M1Ox

Thanks so much…

Hi everyone! As promised here’s the recording from this session


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Local Leaders of IxDF Johannesburg

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P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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