Universal Design for Diverse Disabilities (IxDF Pretoria & Gauteng)
Hosted by IxDF Cape Town
May 13th, 2021
6:00pm - 8:00pm
(UTC +02:00)
Online, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6472073466?pwd=MlNvd1BOQ1BiTGJrZ2Z5YW03Umt1dz09, Cape Town
9 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details
Accessibility has become a hot topic in the design community. How do we move from a design trend to an inclusive mindset where accessibility becomes second nature? Join us as we explore what web accessibility means, how to ensure we design for an inclusive experience and what web accessibility means in practice.
Meeting ID: 647 207 3466