UX & Sports: Two Passions One Destiny

Hosted by IxDF Barcelona
Feb 16th, 2017
7:00pm - 9:00pm (UTC +00:00)
ERNI, Plaça Catalunya, 1, Barcelona
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
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Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details


Talk 30' - Discussion 15' - Networking

Language: Spanish

Free event

Behind a sports event broadcast, has anyone ever thought about the user experience? If my great hobbies are sports and UX, is there a way to bring together both passions? Who is behind the scenes helping us have a great time following a motorbike race broadcast or news about our favorite sports team online with multiple devices?

During our next IxDF Barcelona meeting we will try giving answer to all these questions. For this we have the privilege of presenting two guests who have been working for years in the consumer experience of sport events: Alex de Fuenmayor (UX Lead/Product Manager) and Raul Solano (UX/UI Designer) who are currently part of the Dorna Sports and Moto GP team.

We will talk about the challenges UX presents for sports, as well as how sport events can benefit through the application of UX and the opportunities available for design professionals.

Are you working on a project or idea that you would like to present to the rest of the IxDF Barcelona group? Use this opportunity to make yourself known and share knowledge with our community. Tell us about your idea idf.barcelona@gmail.com

Many thanks to the development company ERNI for letting us use their space for the event.

UX & Sports. Dos pasiones y un destino

Lugar: ERNI
Plaça Catalunya, 1
Febrero Jueves 16 - 19h
Duración: Charla 30' - Coloquio 15' - Networking
Idioma: Castellano
Evento gratuito

Detrás de una retransmisión deportiva, ¿alguien ha pensado en la experiencia de usuario? Si mis grandes aficiones son el deporte y el UX, ¿algún día podré unir ambas pasiones? ¿Quién hay detrás de que nos lo pasemos tan bien siguiendo una carrera de motos o siguiendo por internet las andanzas de nuestro equipo de fútbol preferido?

En el próximo encuentro de IxDF Barcelona intentaremos dar respuesta a todas estas preguntas. Para esto, contaremos con dos invitados de lujo que llevan años trabajando en la experiencia de consumo de eventos deportivos: Alex de Fuenmayor (UX Lead/Product Manager) y Raul Solano (UX/UI Designer) quienes en la actualidad forman parte del equipo de Dorna Sports y Moto GP.

Hablaremos de los retos que plantea el UX para el deporte, cómo se pueden mejorar los espectáculos deportivos mediante UX y qué oportunidades se abren para los profesionales del diseño.

¿Tienes algún proyecto o idea que te gustaría exponer al resto del grupo de IxDF Barcelona? Aprovecha la oportunidad para darte a conocer al mismo tiempo que compartes tu conocimiento con la comunidad. Anímate y escríbenos idf.barcelona@gmail.com

Un agradecimiento a la empresa de desarrollo ERNI por dejarnos usar su espacio para el evento.

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss UX & Sports: Two Passions One Destiny held on Feb 16, 2017. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.
Please log in or join us to post comments in the conversation.

Local Leaders of IxDF Barcelona

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P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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