UX & Travel: The UX of Online Travel Agencies
Meetup Details
When was the last time you went on a trip? you probably used an online service or application to explore, arrange your travel plan and make reservations. OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) thrive from giving the best user experience, taking out the complexity and making it as easy as a swipe and a click to book online and share the experience with family and friends, linking all the elements of travel and tourism and delivering them into a single brand.
The travel industry is an extremely competitive multi-million business and has low barriers for entry, where a business success depends in a great extent on how well they deliver a great user experience. In this context, what is the role of UX in a company such as e-Dreams ODIGEO?
Thomas Scheijbeler, UX designer at e-Dreams ODIGEO, will tell us about the traveller's customer journey, the different touch points, the importance of the UX department for the company's competitive strategy and how e-Dreams ODIGEO succeeds at giving its users a delightful travel experience from start to finish.
Come join us and learn how they work and design user experience in one of the most relevant companies in the travel industry.
Many thanks to the development company ERNI for letting us use their space for the event.
Only 50 spots available, so please confirm early. RSVP to idf.barcelona@gmail.com
Important: to access ERNI offices its necessary to provide ID (DNI, Passaport, driver's license)
Are you working on a project or idea that you would like to present to the rest of the IxDF Barcelona group? Use this opportunity to make yourself known and share knowledge with our community. Tell us about your idea idf.barcelona@gmail.com